How to Effectively Hide Someone on Tumblr
Are you tired of seeing someone’s posts popping up in your feed like that one friend who never knows when to leave the party? Don’t worry, you’ve got options! Whether you want to completely cut ties or just want them out of sight, I’ll guide you through the magical world of hiding on Tumblr. Welcome to your hideaway!
1. Block the User: The Nuclear Option
Let’s start with the simplest, most straightforward method: block the user. This option is like a ‘stop’ sign for that troublesome user; once you block them, they can no longer follow you, like your posts, or reblog your content. Sounds quite peaceful, right? Just head to their blog, click on the three-dot menu, and voilà—hit that “Block” button like you mean it!
But hey, maybe you’re not ready for such a drastic measure? I get it!
2. Hide Their Activity: A Little Tinkering Required
If you’re feeling a bit crafty but don’t want to fully block someone, you can hide their likes and reblogs from your post notes. Yes, this involves some CSS and JavaScript magic! You’ll need to dive into your theme’s code, so gear up! Just keep in mind that this will only be visible on your blog, not on the app or dashboard. It’s more of a ‘you can’t see me’ play while still living in the same Tumblr universe.
3. Filter Their Posts: Enter the Settings Realm
Another cool trick: you can put their username into the filtered post content section in Settings. This allows you to filter out their posts! This option lets you change your feed without the need for a code battle.
Now, just a little note: Tumblr is always evolving, which means your hiding options might be like that persisting friend who just won’t leave. You can’t fully hide someone from everything, flexibility is key!
So, if you find yourself tangled in the marvelous web of Tumblr and want to explore more intricate techniques or simply need help, feel free to live connect with us. We’re here to answer your questions or help you in your quest to tame Tumblr!